4:30 am, is the time I had to wake up today! My two flatmates had previously auditioned to go on X Factor and got a call back for their second audition. So as I missed all the excitement from the previous day, i wanted to go and support them, and also have a little taste of it and see what the experience was like for myself.
I was very shocked to have been revealed to how much of a complete set up the show is. Me and 20 other people were approached in the crowd and asked if we could go outside to film. We were asked to stand in small groups and talk about why we were here, what we were singing etc etc. The woman had to literally stop every 5 minutes to then tell us what to talk about next and where and how to stand. It was shocking to know what we see on TV is all staged, kinda ruins the show for you a bit I think.
The experience was 'alright' due to the fact their were lots of ques and waiting around, and because I had gone for support it wasn't so much fun for me as i wasn't really taking part. My two friends successfully passed their second audition and then went on to perform in front of the camera and the producer for their third audition. I had already waited for about 3 hours on my own and was again having to wait for another 2, it was not fun, but listening to some of the acts was pretty entertaining to say the least.
I decided to then adventure around Newcastle as the waiting and my stomach was killing me. After getting lost numerous times when heading back to the train station, I felt quite sad that it had been a wasted journey and was then tempted to head off to the shopping centre, and yes of course i went straight to the MAC store!!!!! Were I'm currently living, we don't have a MAC counter in any of the stores, and therefore its literally like Christmas when i stumble upon one.

I am now eying up a MAC foundation brush, however their so expensive and may have to hold of for a while, but the finish of the foundation when applied to the face is so amazing!
If you know any other foundation brushes that are just as good please just comment below.
x x x
As nice as MAC makeup is, I would splash out on their brushes.
ReplyDeleteTry Stigma Beauty online, I have the majority of their brushes and LOVE them!!
If that's too expensive for you then try Body Shop makeup brushes, I have a fair few of those too that I love.
If still to expensive, try Eco Tools from Boots.